Urn and Willow Publishing

Lakeville and Middleborough, Massachusetts Historical and Genealogical Materials

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Gravestone Locator for Lakeville, Massachusetts 1711-2003

by Jean A. Douillette

5.5" x 8" - 74 pages - ISBN: 978-0-9796644-3-4


Want to know if you have any ancestors buried in Lakeville?

Need to know what cemetery they were buried in ?

This booklet lists every inscribed gravestone present in the town in 2003. It contains the deceased's name, birth and death year, and what cemetery they are buried in. With this information you can visit the cemetery and find their gravestone. For more specific information, i.e. the inscription, descriptions of carvings, exact location, or photograph, consult Lakeville, Massachusetts Gravestone Inscriptions 1711-2003 and Photographs of Lakeville, Massachusetts Gravestones 1711-2003 by Jean A. Douillette.